Monday, May 14, 2012

Hi everyone. I was going to continue where I left off from yesterday, but I dont really feel in the mood. I guess the subject is so upsetting that at times I need to take a break and try not to think about what happened either at Memorial Hospiatl or the nursing home. I rememeb when I attended university and one of my history teachers used to pull me aside after class and tell me to remember the road to Hell was paved with good intentions. At the time I don't think I really understood what he was really talking about. I guess that from an intellectual point of view I understaood the connection between the statement and our talks on the Vietnam war, but from a personal perspective, i really did not understand. It was not until my conversations with Anna, coming to grips with the reality of what had happened at the hospital after Katrina and the experience in the nursing home, that I finally realized what the teachers words really meant. I had become a CNA with the intent to help my patients and to offset some of the pain and suffering caused by Anna's actions, and instead found myself participating in the killing of patients at the nursing home!! And it was not just the killing of the two patients, it was the fact that as a for profit nursing home, corners where cut in patient care inorder to keep costs down and to receive our annual bonus checks.

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