Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Continued Conversations

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Saved: Thu 8/03/06 1:48 PM


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Dear Dr. Anna Pou:(A Few Final Thoughts)Though I am not one of those who follows with predictable regularity the unfolding stories splashed across the nightly screens or momentarily scanned in splashy and misleading headlines, I felt again a profound sense of sadness when I read about your troubles. After reading the testimony from your fellow employees, both nurses as well as those who comprised the crisis "command post", I thought to myself, how could a kind, caring and compassionate individual find herself in a situation where she felt administering combinations of morphine and Versed to patients, irrespective of their underlying pathology or chances of survival, was in their best interest. I thought that if I could just talk to you, not about the particulars involved in the case but rather about life in general, perhaps I could find the answer. And then I though to myself that in the end it really did not matter, there was nothing I could do about what happened on the seventh floor. Then I realized that there was indeed something I could do and it is this: from this point on all of my interactions with others, no matter their station in life, will be done with the utmost kindness and compassion in the hope that the ripple effects of those interactions might touch the lives of others in a positive and helpful way, thereby offsetting the effects your actions caused those months ago. For I do indeed beleive the things we say and do ultimately touches the lives of individuals we neither know nor will ever meet. For that I thank you. But please remember as I explained to you before: as far as I am concerned there is no judgement nor condemnation for in my Fathers kingdom there is only love. And so I say to you Dr. Anna Pou, please go in peace. Go in peace Dr. Anna Pou so that you too might have an answer to your prayer shared on the seventh floor those eleven months ago. Very Sincerely and with the Utmost Respect,Your Friend from Far Away,Miranda >From: "Pou, Anna M" >To: "miranda lucianna" >Subject: RE: A Friend from Far Away>Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 23:48:37 -0500>>Miranda,>Thank you again for your kindness.>anna>>________________________________>

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