Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Conversation with John Pope

Dr Anna Pou Case‏

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10/09/06 jpope@timespicayune.comTo

From: (

Saved: Mon 10/09/06 7:47 AM


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While I read your article with much interest and have also followed the arguments of support for Dr. Pou, my concern is first of all no one has talked about what the other hospital employees have indicated actualy happened. For example, according toe the head nurse on the seventh floor Dr. Pou told her that the decision had been made to administer lethal injections and when asked of what the Dr. responded morhine and versed. Did the fellow employees who said these things simply make it up or misunderstood what the doctor said and then it is also my understanding from the original dmort exams unusually high amounts of these drug combinations where indeed found in the individuals. There are those who also say that Katrina killed those individuals, yet it is not a storm that makes a decision to inject a fellow human being with drugs. While the conditions at the hospital where aweful, there is no other hospital where these accusations have come to light. I am sure that Dr. Pou is a very kind and caring individual and did her best in a terrible situation but how can that possibly justify the accusation of deliberately killing four human beings irrespective of their medical condition. My deep fear is that in an attempt to escape from the conditions and in accordence with the policy of not leaving anyone alive behind that Dr. Pou made the decision that these patients could not be evacuated and since they could not be left she injected them. I so hope that did not happen and just writing this rips my heart out for I do indeed know the doctor but please keep this confidential. I cannot understand how a kind and caring individual could possible come to believe that such actions, if proven, where in the best interest of the patients. Miranda

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