Wednesday, May 9, 2012

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Saved: Fri 10/06/06 7:46 AM


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My Dear Friend Dr. Anna Pou: How so very sorry I am to have read this past sad week that the results of the medical investigation are now headed toward the grand jury and how inadequate these words of comfort must seem when faced with such a pending ordeal. Please know that with much due respect my heart goes out to you and that you are most assuredly in my thoughts and in my prayers for I know that you are a kind and gentle individual who was willing to sacrifice your time and energy to help those who where sick and in need. Also, if you would like, I am more than willing to contact my father on your behalf, himself a highly repected attorney as well as a Visiting Doctor of Law at Oxford University, a Member of the Board of Directors of the International Court of Arbitration and Co-Founder of a law school in Rome, Italy. While I cannot promise anything, I am more than willing to ask if he has any advise or knows someone who may be able to help in your defense. If not then just know that the offer was made with much respect and sincerity. Your Friend from Far Away and with profound respect, Miranda

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