Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thoughts on the past and Present

My Dear Friends: I know that it has been a while since I last spoke with you and have yet to print more of the correspondence between myself and Anna and Michael Morales and Jullie Cullen. Please just bere with me. I have been so tired recently. Anna has been in my thoughts and in my prayers. How I have prayed so earnestly for my friend, that the burden of her judgement is not laid upon her shoulders but ibtsead are placed upon mine. For in the end, is it not right that we should bare the burdens of those we came to love? Is that not love? I remember back in June and July of 2007, shortly after the "verdict" from the Grand Jury, I wrote to Anna and begged her to tel the truth, the truth she shared with me on that April/May Saturday morning in 2007, the truth about what happened to the nine patients on the seventh floor of Memorial Hospital. I remember telling her that in my Fathers Kingdom there was no such thing as judgement or condemnation. That in His Kingdom there is only LOVE and that He loved her very much. I remember I also explained to her that the public would understand also but only if they heard it from her. But if they found out that other way, there would be both judgement and condemnation for while there is no such thing as judgement or condemnation in Gods Kingdom, there is both judgement and condemnation in this world. But this world is not the same and Our Teacher has overcome the world!! I guess she decided not to tell the truth and in not telling the truth, she has made all of you and those who love her, an accessory to her crime. And so I continue to write to her, to let Anna know that I have not only told her the truth, but continue to be a constatnt friend....

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