Thursday, June 14, 2012

Continuing Thought on Katrina

I am  sorry that I have not written in some time. The whole subject is so upsetting to me that there are times I feel the need to take a break from the subject. Having said that however, I plan on continuing to public the emails between myself and Anna as well as from Michael Morales and Julie Cullen. It simply takes time and I appalgize for that. Please bare with me. I would like you to know that the medications administered to the patients on the seventh floor was not intended to make them more comfortable as they awaited the chance for evacuation. I understand that that is the position maintained by Anna but it simply is not the truth. The purpose of the drugs was to kill the patients. If the truth had been otherwise than the use of the third nurse would not have been needed. Also, Anna's position is not what she told me and which I have saved in the emails and will publish according to the chronology. As I said, it just takes time. Please bare with me. I also would like the readers to know and understand that Anna is npt some horrible kind or person. She is in reality a very kind and gentle person. I guess that one of the conclusions I learned from the correspondence was that sometimes very kind and caring individuals find themselves in horrible situations and in those situations sometimes engage in actions they would not otherwise engage in. That reality does not however explain or justify the actions. It was not Katrina or the conditions at the hospital that decided to inject patients with fatal amounts of drugs. It was a human being that made a concsiouse decision to engage in such an act. That is where the responsibility lays.

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